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Archanid: Bone spikes coming out of arms? Looks painful. >>>
Archanid: Well that’s one way to do the Jack-o’ pose. >>>
Archanid: Updated with source and artist. Thanks for bringing... >>>
Archanid: Well, that’s one reason for bikini armor - easy... >>>
Archanid: You’d think an artist with such exquisite skill... >>>
Archanid: @RapeShifter: Aren’t Giant Tardigrades a thing... >>>
Archanid: @Impacto: cancel culture? On a tentacle RAPE site? …... >>>
Archanid: ALMOST worthy of the “every hole” tag...... >>>
Archanid: Oh, in the picture/story “Codename:Steve,”... >>>
Archanid: Oh, forgot to mention - in JustFry’s Twitter... >>>
Archanid: I thought this was a repost on rule34, but NO, it was... >>>
Archanid: SEELE looks on approvingly in the background. >>>
Archanid: Mahou Shoujo Ai. >>>
Archanid: I like how she looks like she’s mildly inconvenienced... >>>
Archanid: Artist is cyclone. >>>
Archanid: In the immortal words of Sam Rutherford - “I... >>>
Archanid: @jessc: WITHOUT the chestbursting feature, please. >>>
Archanid: More like BUTThugger, amirite? >>>
Archanid: Interesting horn design. Like a bull’s. Don’t... >>>
Archanid: @Azrael: ooooor I’m just copypasting directly... >>>
Archanid: @UtilyGz: I don’t know which terms are banned,... >>>
Archanid: Once again, can’t post source because “address... >>>
Archanid: @KarmaLanding: if I had a pinkeye infection that bad,... >>>
Archanid: ...Exactly how are you going to play cards with your... >>>
Archanid: Fuck gold, get monsters! >>>
Archanid: Azrael stated on pic 85049 that so long as it includes... >>>
Archanid: @The_Mr_J: could be either Entangle (level 1) or Grasping... >>>
Archanid: Reminds me of Take’s Parasite Tree series. THAT... >>>
Archanid: This is probably what would have happened if Key’leth... >>>
Archanid: Someone tell boysintrouble. I’m sure they’ll... >>>
Archanid: Reminds me of those meteorologist/models that would... >>>
Archanid: I’m more of a shaved guy myself, but damn, those... >>>
Archanid: Looks like ooSebastianoo’s work? >>>
Archanid: @boysintrouble: unfortunate that you’re leaving.... >>>
Archanid: This seems at least thematically linked to 84987. >>>
Archanid: @TentacleLegend: if you’re talking about more... >>>
Archanid: Interesting. Horny-one has used this same pose (arms... >>>
Archanid: If someone finds an artist, please update this comment... >>>
Archanid: It’s Maricelle. I’m not surprised that... >>>
Archanid: https : // hitomi . la / reader / 943040 . html # 54 Omit... >>>
Archanid: You can find this in “Beastiary 3,” mimic... >>>
Archanid: This is based on Yana’s “the strange creature... >>>
Archanid: This looks like Psi’s work? But I haven’t... >>>
Archanid: Wouldn’t this be masturbation? Her ring’s... >>>
Archanid: It slipped under her eyelid. Do not want. >>>
Archanid: @kaycichan: I like your version. I wish I could see... >>>
Archanid: I didn’t think it was possible to feel bad for... >>>
Archanid: I’m sorry to hear that. But there’s always... >>>
Archanid: Doing okay. We just got put back into Shelter in Place,... >>>
Archanid: Read the mood, tentacle. Don’t tap her on the... >>>
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