Blotter updated: 02/08/25 Show/Hide Show All
  • 02/08/25 - Site issues are due to financial problems. If you appreciate us, please consider using the donate link before, or paypal [email protected]
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


Archanid: And lo, the moderators did bring the I.P. Banhammer... >>>
Archanid: "Anticipation?" Judging by the screen in... >>>
Archanid: "The fast filling with the larvae from Teta 23-7D-5... >>>
Archanid: I guess I'll start off: Well here we are again It's... >>>
Archanid: Great art, fantastic story. A+ and saved. >>>
Archanid: -Ben Morbez >>>
Archanid: "From the Endangered Species Foundation Database: Logfile... >>>
Archanid: "'All shall be alright, little mortal. Don´t... >>>
Archanid: "You're used to a symbiont, so what´s... >>>
Archanid: "It is said that the spirits of the mountain TikShar... >>>
Archanid: I remember in economics class that neurologists were... >>>
Archanid: "Two Grils?" Where's my Weber? Or... >>>
Archanid: Someone's reposting my submissions! I'm... >>>
Archanid: Quite the collection you found, kudos. None of them... >>>
Archanid: Found it, added source. >>>
Archanid: More please. Or source. I'm not that picky. >>>
Archanid: Students, starting from bottom left and going clockwise:... >>>
Archanid: LOL? DOTA? HOTS? I can't keep track of the MOBAs... >>>
Archanid: This is Berserk canon- the rape of Caska, by Griffith. >>>
Archanid: The English translation of "Uchuujin no Fuyu."... >>>
Archanid: Not rape, no tentacles... but Aliens. Hope that's... >>>
Archanid: Guessing...Eureka Seven Doujin, with focus on Anemone? >>>
Archanid: Definitely Starcraft, might be Starcraft:Ghost. >>>
Archanid: "Kirito-Kun," so probably a Sword Art Online... >>>
Archanid: Korra, Raven... Who's the third? >>>
Archanid: Ta-da! >>>
Archanid: No matter how tired I get of porn, this scene always... >>>
Archanid: You have a prehensile tongue! Go IN, not around! >>>
Archanid: Hard to tell with the censorship, but it's possible... >>>
Archanid: So I had the itch to play Knights of the Old Republic... >>>
Archanid: I loves me some ovi pics! >>>
Archanid: The "crikey" ruins it. She was English,... >>>
Archanid: Are they using metroids as censors? That's ridiculous. >>>
Archanid: This picture DEFINES hatefuck. I could stare at it... >>>
Archanid: "I am Shepard, and this is my favorite varren... >>>
Archanid: I don't know why, but this disturbs me. And I've... >>>
Archanid: @MegumZero: have you seen "Guardians of the Galaxy?"... >>>
Archanid: *Adds "Red Riding Hood" tag* >>>
Archanid: Ah, rape in the classical sense. >>>
Archanid: Must be a bag of holding in that uterus. >>>
Archanid: New gift for NowhereWoman? >>>
Archanid: Like the concept. Don't see a lot of garter belts... >>>
Archanid: Wouldn't call it rape, looks pretty consensual... >>>
Archanid: Is this the digestive cleanse that I keep hearing about? >>>
Archanid: Thanks! Just the stuff I've collected over the... >>>
Archanid: That's not how the song goes! ~~~~~~~ On... >>>
Archanid: On the twelfth day of christmas, TR gave to me~ >>>
Archanid: Pisipisi is his name. Drew a few comics like this... >>>
Archanid: The common trope in TR pictures is that the lady lets... >>>
Archanid: Because if the image is copyrighted or defamatory,... >>>
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