hentaifreak: hehe today i had quite a lot of fun...
you know how in supermarkets you can get small toys from wending machines? well they usually are in little plastic balls..... well i found a new way to use them.. hehe.... and they feel amazing in me. got me so wet... i have two of them inside me as i write...... ahhhhh
IMAZOMBIE_358: ive heard hard boiled eggs and golf balls work...
as well as putting those supermarket balls in balloons...the balloon trick works with anything...if its kinda rough, just slip a balloon over it and there you go. i get athis stuff from masterbation sites...people literally post ideas in categorised fashion..youd be surprised how strange it gets and how far women go when a vibrator isnt accesible...
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you know how in supermarkets you can get small toys from wending machines? well they usually are in little plastic balls..... well i found a new way to use them.. hehe.... and they feel amazing in me. got me so wet... i have two of them inside me as i write...... ahhhhh
as well as putting those supermarket balls in balloons...the balloon trick works with anything...if its kinda rough, just slip a balloon over it and there you go. i get athis stuff from masterbation sites...people literally post ideas in categorised fashion..youd be surprised how strange it gets and how far women go when a vibrator isnt accesible...
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