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Berserkas: i wouldn't mind milking her.
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DrNumaNuma: She's got really weird pants. And I hope her milk is 2%.
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Drago: Mana-moo! hehe
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Krakken: hey, yeah, this is Manas old avatar!
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Drago: Yush :3
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Drago: Wow after reading this, that is definetly mana.
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Randomness: Yeah Drago
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Drago: What do you mean yeah? Do you even know who she is? o.O
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Dsurion: Nice. That is mana. Her current pic doesn't look much different though.
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Lich: My mana. And it isn't just men..
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Randomness: I thought you were referring to the milk? Being Mana? Energy?
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pierape: Mana is another user on this site.
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Krakken: right.
another Holstaurus.
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Wulf: Awww <3. She is so adorable. Horns, cowbell, sexy tail and a lot of chest.

In conclusion: Moo~
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Lich: Just like in real life..

*flicks mana's cowbell and grins*
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Mana: >.>
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Wulf: Indubitably.

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Fishsticks: Huh?
Who's mana?
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Krakken: Mana is another Holstaurus.
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AgentCroque: mana presses her breasts up people's chest as a sign of affection?
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Drago: Yeah, she does. *has been shown affection* :3
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Krakken: *is irritated*

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Alienhunter97: i wouldn't mind sucking her tits
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Drago: il probbably get killed by lich but I have hehehehehehe
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Wulf: Haha, drunk-post much Drago?
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Drago: pfff im only a little over the legal limit
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Wulf: Drunken giggling gives you away ;)
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Drago: I call it a heartly chuckle so meh
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Lich: I can see you were not in control of your actions at the time so il let it slide, Drago. Stay off the booze.
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hewhoeatsmonsters: So hungry. QUICK SOMEONE BRING ME A VIRGIN!
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Drago: >.>" Thanks Lich.. can't say il try..
*reveals a fly* there is your virgin.

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Alienhunter97: i'd like to suck her tits
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Drago: I think we will all have to round up and lead a forward assault on lich's manor of doom before any of that happens.
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Drago: Actually ive just noticed, you've said that twice now Alien.
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Wulf: *Draws his sword overdramatically, wheeling around on his pink unicorn*

Sons of Non-consensual rape scenes! Of Illegitimate-human/alien/monster couplings! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the ~youknow~ of me. A day may come when the courage of... well, you assorted chaps, fails, when you forsake all forms of social interaction and break all bonds of reality to commit yourselves utterly to the trivialities of a life on teh internetz, but it is not this day! An hour of fresh air and shattered WoW clans as the manse of the Lich comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we... we... well, I sure fucked that up, because it is this day! Anyway, by all that you hold dear (your penis, namely) on this good (not so great really) earth, I bid you stand, Men of the Tentacle-and-all-things-vaguely-phallic-and-of-a-raping/pillaging-disposition!

*Stays were he is as the enraged mob rushes past him - to Lich's manor - turning around and slowly plodding in the other direction, emitting a mirthful cough in the cloud of dust left behind*
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Lich: *Moves house*
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Wulf: *Feels guilty*
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Torture: *wipes away a tear* that speech moved me man...
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Alex_Arachneson: @wulf. Hassah
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Gaara: amazing speech, just wonderful
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