breasts_latch machine machine_bondage milking mouth_gagged naked_women restrained

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Tags breasts_latch machine machine_bondage milking mouth_gagged naked_women restrained
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Elena: i would sign myself as a volunteer...
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hornyyy: Nothing to fill me ? I'm not interrested :(

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Gemma: sigh me up P

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Shinku: 'Tis better to give (or have taken) than to receive ;)
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MissEtna: Yes taking is so much better than giving.
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Elena: I do not know .... maybe to get pleases immediately and easily to the physical level ... but giving, it gives a pleasure as intense and perhaps more lasting mentally
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Rinpuu: I wouldnt mind giing~

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Shinku: Wow such lovely generous ladies here. You would make some parasitic tentacle monsters very happy ;P

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Heidrek: needs something for the bottom
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Hector: @Shinku: ill be the happy parasitic tentacle monster

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Shinku: We need all the tentacle monsters we can get. The world needs to be full of them so unsuspecting girls can't go anywhere without being trapped and used for pleasure and sustenance ;)
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MissEtna: Well I'd settle for a ball gag and a milking machine
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Sonata: I volunteer as a test subject
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Rinpuu: I do too!

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Shinku: I hope you girls don't mind that my machine has no off feature. Unless there's a power outage, you may very well need to get used to the sensation for life ;P
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Elena: is short...must enjoy at the best way we can

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Shinku: Then the rest of your life will be spent in great thorough care ;3
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Elena: :)
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Rinpuu: Fine by me!

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Shinku: I like your enthusiasm, so you'll get the strongest machine I have and plenty of room to wiggle and thrash around as you please ;)
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Rinpuu: I'd actually prefer to be locked up tightly *blush*

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Shinku: Oh? You wanna be kept from moving around as much as possible? Not even to arch your back for some false form of relief? :o
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Rinpuu: nope, I wanna be held down tightly.. it'd be nice to see the milk coming out too..

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Shinku: Then I'll make sure you're held tightly, so you can't move a muscle as your being milked. You could tighten and contract them while struggling, but it wouldn't do any good as you watch your milk being sucked out through the clear tubes and disappearing to who knows where ;D
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Rinpuu: So I'd be a helpless milk slave? :3

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Shinku: Oh COMPLETELY helpless. Even if the power went out, I'd find a way to keep extracting it, even if I had to do it myself ;P
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Rinpuu: oh my

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Shinku: Oh and one difference is I wouldn't use a ball gag. I'd wanna hear any sweet noises made without any hindrance :D
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Rinpuu: Oh I see! a gag might be fun though..

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Shinku: I could gag you at night so you don't wake anyone up with all your cries and moans :D
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Rinpuu: well... I can be pretty loud..

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Shinku: That's good! The more sounds you make the better. I'd listen to that all day while you're being milked :P
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Oopsie: o-o

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Azrael: it does look like fun

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Shandrial_: It is. All be it you get sore pretty fast the first few times

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Azrael: push on through the pain

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Azrael: do you share out your milk Shan?

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Shinku: At some point after the pleasure becomes pain, pain becomes pleasure and comes full circle. That is euphoria.

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Azrael: deep
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