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Drago: *looks at Lich* Soooo.. wanna take me to this "Pandemonium" place? >.>
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pierape: Drago... your success probability of that happening is...
Extremely high...
Sweetness. Wonder if that`ll happen to me?
Not likely though.
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Randomness: Indulge in pleasure indefinitely? With her? Hellsyes
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Krakken: Lich would never help me with this......
odd, Lich must have a more controleed mind than most Dark Angels......
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Lich: *arches an eyebrow*
Never help you with what?
It clearly states "find a man they like" That is unlikely for me for I have women to like.

Drago's chances are impossible to low.. only if he's a good dwagon.
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Drago: *Is a good dwagon* :3
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Randomness: She looks a wittle bit loli D:
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Drago: So? could be any age, giving that they are angels.
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Krakken: uh, yeah, as far as I can tell, you would rather turn me into calamari than find another Dark Angel......
but thats just from my view.
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Drago: She's found like one cowgirl, two foxes and two catgirls if that's right, lich?
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Lich: Not at the moment, we're all a bit ill at the moment. Nurses or maids might be the next move.
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Drago: the way if you are all ill, il have to pop in saturday or see if the nurse outfits are good enough..yeah il go with that :3
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Randomness: You have just confuzzled me. Congratulations.
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DrNumaNuma: If you have a doctor fetish, I'll go.
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IDCATBS: this sounds like a damn good existence to me anybody know one of thees
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Randomness: If I did, would I share? Nope
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Effnote: I wonder what happens if a dark angel meets a gay man.
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Wulf: We get more material for the blooper reel.
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Randomness: Where is it?! Where is the blooper reel?! *is worried about what it might contain*
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hewhoeatsmonsters: delicous...
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neko-neko99: Can these dark angels do anything to nekos? I like these angels... >_>
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pierape: Are you refering to guys too? I`m a dark angel too.
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neko-neko99: :o

Well, I was just curious, because they really only tell you about what they'll do to human males. As a female neko, I feel left out. :[

Unless they've only catered to human males in this particular article...
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pierape: Well you`ll won`t be left out here, nor the forums. there are plenty of people who are willing to "help" you with things. No discrimination to nekos, female or otherwise.
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neko-neko99: Sounds like fun, nya~ :3
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pierape: So if you haven`t signed up for our forums yet, you should do it now. It`s on the lefthand side on the main page "visit our forums" in blue. Once you`re registered, you may be as pampered as you want to be. So welcome.
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neko-neko99: Will do. Thank you. ^w^
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Wulf: *exagerrated sigh* Not another one...

I jest ;3
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neko-neko99: Nawww...I promise I won't be a completely annoying noob. D:
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Wulf: I was more referring to the fact that you are a neko/catgirl. Quite a few of them on the forums, not that I am complaining. The more the merrier.
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pierape: *huggles neko-neko and Wulf*
Nekos balance out all the oddballs. That includes you and me Wulf.
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neko-neko99: *huggles pierape and Wulf back*

Well then, I'll just have to be a special neko then, nya? *determination* 'Sides. How many grey-skinned nekos are there? I doubt there's many. ^_^

Once my account gets fully activated, I'll post up my avatar and show ya!
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pierape: Alright, ^_^ Let me be your first friend. I call firsties!
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neko-neko99: Nya! *nuzzles pierape*
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pierape: *strokes her tail* so cute! ^_^
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Wulf: Good things come to those who wait, Pie..

*Returns the huggles then pulls out, leaving them to it*
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SlimeGirlLover: I once made a dark angel feel love. :D
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Segami: Sorry to burst this encyclopedia, but this human-tentacle half-breed met a dark angel and actually reverted her back to a good angel. Given she is always lustful and still works for 'The Fallen God', her wings are back to a light gray and she doesn't assault men anymore. Ya dun mess wit us haf-breeds, dammit!

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Dragonfyr: I kill these things, and I do it out of mercy. I am a Paladin, a Holy Warrior.
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Alex_Arachneson: I'm with you segami I'm half Arachne half human male
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