
Blotter updated: 02/08/25 Show/Hide Show All
  • 02/08/25 - Site issues are due to financial problems. If you appreciate us, please consider using the donate link before, or paypal [email protected]
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.

93733: artist_totem_pole slime tentacles willing

artist_totem_pole slime tentacles willing // 1000x814 // 967.7KB

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Kyper: That looks like TotemPole's work. I been reading several of his comics and webcomics.
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TentacleJess: Hehe why does slime interest me so much??! ;)

93736: femdom malesub monster_girl naga

femdom malesub monster_girl naga // 2400x3600 // 548.9KB
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BruhImSavage: hot. I wish I was that guy

93711: summoning tentacle_rape

summoning tentacle_rape // 840x1120 // 661.9KB

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The_Mr_J: Some days its nice to just get lost in a nice book.

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HebiC: Or have the book get lost in you.

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The_Mr_J: That happens more often than you would think. ;)

93741: Tentacle animated gagged ovipositor

Tentacle animated gagged ovipositor // 960x540 // 1.6MB

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Green_Daemon: Did this one recent night while I was feeling aroused and didn't have any company... I was going for a rough backward crawl here. I like how the the spittle strand worked out.

93709: ARTIST_DVOIKA eye_rolled plant tentacle_rape

ARTIST_DVOIKA eye_rolled plant tentacle_rape // 960x950 // 101.9KB

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Cyra: Ahh! The girl from the Fallout H-Game.

52607: deleteme deleteme_repost repost_18310

deleteme deleteme_repost repost_18310 // 564x752 // 68.9KB
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Dianstixen: I love when warriors fall into my traps

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Azrael: warriors eventually love it too
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HentaiAMC: Isn't sure a rogue? Armor or what she thinks is armor seems too clothy to be a Warrior. Still nice pic! She looks like she is already loving it!

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Azrael: I suspect they meant warrior in general terms as someone who fights, rather than as a class
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HentaiAMC: Most likely, but that Gamer in me had to say something lol
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Throbby: Lower-quality version of 18310.

93707: artist_obj_shep illithid mind_control mind_flayer mind_rape tentacles

artist_obj_shep illithid mind_control mind_flayer mind_rape tentacles // 1183x2300 // 1.8MB
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spurgasburt: This is very, very hot.

93702: CaschAnim Casch_Animation DP anal animated bloated_belly cum_inflation cumflation double_penetration elf haunted_house oral restrained sound suspended tentacle_rape

CaschAnim Casch_Animation DP anal animated bloated_belly cum_inflation cumflation double_penetration elf haunted_house oral restrained sound suspended tentacle_rape // 1x1 // 12.3MB
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slitheris: If anyone knows the artist/animator, please share!

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QTips-and-Vaseline: Love the belly button pop at the end. Like those things on turkeys that pop out to let you know it's done cooking.
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Nicebreasts: the original artist was CaschAnim but sound was added by a user named evilzorak on twitter
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slitheris: @NiceBreasts - Thanks! Tags Updated.

70382: ariel the_little_mermaid ursula

ariel the_little_mermaid ursula // 540x600 // 261.6KB
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Tentaclelover2023: Okay that is just incredibly delicious looking! Goddammit I wish I was Ariel right about now!

93692: meatwall tentacle_rape vore

meatwall tentacle_rape vore // 2000x2000 // 1.8MB

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The_Mr_J: Went out for a morning jog, and fell into this hole. Honestly, it's a better start to the day than most mornings.

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Azrael: never happens to me when I go jogging
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Bladesinger_elf_Shanairla: Mmm, I wish this was me every morning.
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TentacleJess: I should have watched where I was stepping! Now I'm being pulled down into this slimy pit while it fucks deeper and deeper into my holes while the last of the light closes off above me!

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The_Mr_J: @Azrael: You must not be jogging in the right places. I know a few good spots for you to try out.

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Azrael: oh thanks, send me the address
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