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Tags blush bulge censored creampie cum cum_inside demon furry Impregnation rape
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Sir Donk of punchenstein: This one is cool
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Wulf: Our lord Baphomet presiding over this delectable ceremony.

*prostrates before him*
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FillMeUp: Oh god YES, I'll have that please... so full/// mm...

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Shandrial: Waits for FillMeUp to be done so I'll have my turn.
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Krakken: *is muttering under breath how no-one cares about the giant mutant squid*
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robohobbit: where's this from?

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Shandrial: I care about the giant squid

Lets Krakken have some fun with me while I wait for FMU to be done (looks like it will be a while anyway)
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Krakken: YAY!
*draws the door*
after you, Shandrial!
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Magnum: wtf guyz... threezies? pretty please?
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Cthulu: ill have u :D if u even know who i am.. Cthulu! the demon squid! (close reletive of kracken)
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Krakken: you are NOWHERE near my relative!
I mean, just look at the family tree!
*opens up my family tree, and on the end of one REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYyyy long branch, hes there*
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Magnum: bah... nty wit the squidz. i dont swing that way. just girls and catgirls for me

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Shandrial: *purr and looks bored as Krakken shows off the family shrub (not even a tree)

Now a cat's family tree is like a ball of string ...
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pierape: meh come from a long line of tentacle monsters chu~!
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happenis: I thought Cthulu was a Mind Flayer?

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jackass666: Am getting jealous of her...why dont we have such biggies on earth
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Dominance: Am I allowed to answer that? Or was it Rhetorical?

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jackass666: You can surely answer that.
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Dominance: Penis size is a delicate balance between getting your semen as good a start as possible bs damaging the equipment.

In particularly promiscuous races they have developed large testes and large penises, the male with the biggest penis gets his sperm in further, and the more sperm you have the more chance you would have that your sperm would fertilise the egg. Now imagine if it was huge, the longer it is the more likely it is to get damaged, and a damaged penis is no good to anyone.

The reason why Caucasian people have generally smaller penises than that of dark skinned people is because Cauvasians began pairing for life, becoming monogamous so the energy they could be using to repair themselves etc was diverted from Penis growth. Now if you take this to the extreme with places like China. Their system Was based off whoever had the most military prowess had the most women. Meaning penis size wasn't really a valuable trait, or people with small penises generally got angrier, I don't know.

Now imagine if you got fucked by a penis so large it literally split you, you wouldn't be able to breed so the gene for Deluxe-Size penis got deleted. Unfortunately.
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TheWatcher-: I feel smarter already! thanks dominance!

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jackass666: Thank you dominance.

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sporgasbored: Dominance, I'm no penisologist, but I sure hope you are being sarcastic. Those are some ridiculous theories you have there.

China has never has a "military prowess = more women" system... in fact, warriors were generally not placed on a pedestal at all through most of Chinese history, especially compared to Japan, for example.
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Dominance: I may have got China and Japan mixed up. I was actually using the reason Gorillas have small penises but applying it to humans. I'm good at biology not geographical history.

They're not ridiculous at all.

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sporgasbored: It may very well apply to other primates. But the differences between Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Humans are far greater than between any human groups. We haven't been differentiated long enough to get that sort of functional variance - there may be racial/ethnic penis differences, but they are relatively minor, and easily disputed.

I suspect you mean well, and it wounds me to have this discussion when I should be busily fapping to pictures of women and the shoggoths that love them, but here we are.
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Dominance: The point about "broken penis = bad" and "massive penis = broken woman = bad" still stand at least :P

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Biodeamon: you know, sporgasborg, wiki answers isn't the most reliable source of information...kind of the pot calling the kettle black when you say somebody has some doubtful theories when you're a bit doubtful yourself. it would be much realible you sourced a medical journal or other licensed work but wiki-answers could be just any old troll spoon-feeding bullshit.

I'm not calling you out or trying to put you down and just stating the important fact of consider the source.
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