Werewolves cum naked rape warrior_female

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Uploader haleboy666,
Tags cum naked rape warrior_female Werewolves
Locked No


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MegumiZero: I wonder how many it took to tame her?

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Azrael: many

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Shandrial_: it only took one to tand me, I just acted knotty so they wouMr tame me over and over again

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Shandrial_: omg my phone sux, tame, would

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Azrael: good thinking
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rainbowdash360: I would love to rp this
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Lilitu: Shan have you noticed that the dog category seems very... empty... now? I get the impression since tentaclerapeforums went and this site had a notice saying it was being sold, the new owner's going on censorship sprees or something?
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Lilitu: http://google.com/search?q=cache:jAEkGxFvIk0J:tentaclerape.net/post/view/11248 then try the actual link... It looks like there's been a mass book burning actually... If you put into google this
site:tentaclerape.net "dog"
(with the quote signs)


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Azrael: it is not a censorship spree, it was decided that since bestiality is illegal in a lot of countries where our members are, that we would remove it from the site. it is not really on topic anyway, and can get people in trouble. if somebody wants that, they can go to a site dedicated to it. where the creatures in question are mythical, it doesn't matter, but actual bestiality I am deleting as and when I find it.
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Lilitu: I'm pretty sure that art is not illegal anywhere though? http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Leda_and_the_Swan
Shandriel has been part of the community for literally years and with a few clicks you wiped out probably more than half her posts :/

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Azrael: art is illegal in a lot of places actually. the length of time she has been here is not actually relevant to the site.
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Lilitu: I can't believe you actually just said that... well, you are not relevant to the site in the eyes of many people... I'm sure a lot more people care about Shandriel staying than you... I just looked on google and I already see someone made a torrent of the site, easy to copy, but then again there's no point making a new site really because it looks pointless when there's already http://rule34.booru.org/?page=post&s=list&tags=tentacle and rule34.paheal.net around these days anyway and they don't censor anything except pedos which is actually justly illegal

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Shandrial_: No reason for people to get miffed . AZ is right in their depiction and I respect their decision. Also here are all kinds of other kinky stuff on here to look at
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Sireani: As someone who lives in an area where bestiality is illegal, (yes, even pictures of it.) I appreciate the fact that I don't have to worry if I'm about to break the law when I'm on this site.

As for the relevancy comment, I would understand your anger if Azrael had said 'Shandrial is not actually relevant to the site', but what Az said was, "the length of time she has been here is not actually relevant". The word choice could have been better, but I'm fairly certain that it didn't imply what you took it to mean.

If I had to guess, I'd say Az meant that all bestiality pics were being deleted, regardless of the uploader's standing in the site. A hard choice, I'm sure, but it protects this site and its users from possible legal issues. In my openly biased opinion, it was the right choice.
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Hypotoad: On topic for this I have read the actual criminal code for part of canada and it is actually technically illegal (but like never inforced ever) to own or to purposly view a picture or drawing with beastiality

Thats just how i remeber it reading. But i did read it over 10 years ago soo.... memory has a funny tendancy to alter details

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Azrael: thanks Shan.

Lilitu you seem to be trying to make out that this is some sort of personal attack by me. it isn't. a discussion was had between myself and the site owner. whether you believe it or not, images of bestiality are illegal in some countries. as such hosting those images could be problematic for some users. the simple response was to remove them. we get around 1.5 million hits per day on this site, and those people come here for tentacle pictures. we don't actually need to have any non tentacle pictures here at all. it was not a decision made for the purpose of trying to undo Shandrial's valuable service to the site. if she happens to have been the uploader of most of the dog pics, well that is unfortunate, but I wont lose any sleep over it. I am sure she is more popular here than me. doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't run the site as a popularity contest, and I do not make my decisions based on what will please certain users. I do value the contribution of all members here, including Shan's, I do not take in to account the name of the uploader when I delete an image. nor should a user take offence if I happen to delete one of their images, it is not a personal attack of any kind.

Sireani is correct, my point was that how long a person has been here is not a factor when I decide what goes on regarding the site and its' functioning.

I would also like to mention that it is not simply a case of a few clicks, I spend hours every week checking both images and comments. when the policy was changed, I spent four hours one evening deleting content, and believe it or not, that was not actually how I had planned to spend my evening after work.

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Shandrial_: Ive uploaded pics, liked pic, not liked pic - but in the end this a site I enjoy perving on - and if deleting a few pics help keep the site up I'm all for it.

There are many other sites a person can go to for the more esoteric selections if you want.

AZ does this on his personal time after working 40+ hours a week. He helps the site as a thankless job.

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Shandrial_: Now lets get back to the blood elf being ravaged by a couple feral worgens and have fun...

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Shandrial_: One more thing. If a person cant have fun with the content that already on here then they lack some serious imagination
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breadslice: i have no idea why bestiality is illeagal, like animal abuse? caz if thats true, they should also not allow milking.
ill fuck/get fucked by whatever i want! :P
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Marisa: this looks fun ;)

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diVIne_Tentacle: Honestly I'm not sure were to go on the "is beastiality ethical debate", Animals are human beings too and deserve respect, animals deserve some rights and respect or what either way sex with animals would seem low on the agenda considering the meat industry, labor, and homegrown sicko's. Finally thats not even considering the fact these are cartoons. Does TRF owe money for all the rape pictures of cartoons depicting real life people. If that was the case Angelina Jolie is getting alot of money.

That aside, where was this previous conversation had because I fell I missed some posts somewhere

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diVIne_Tentacle: oh my stupid question my window was hiding the upper comments ><
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Oopsie: im pretty sure animals are not humans O_O....i think you ment to say all humans are animals right?)
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