anal furry male suspension

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omniamalgam: Heh
Now what shall I use to justify the laughter gained from this?
I can't just have a laugh for no reason? It has to have something to do with that the center of attention in this piece is male?
Tentacles? Check. Male? Check. Damn not given? BIG O'L CHECK!
Mind you I'm maybe 9th in line as a tentacle fan, 58th for yaoi(or yoai whatever spelling!) But when you need a review and you get a wry chuckle?
I can't even tell what species that is. And should it matter? NO!
Heterosexuals are a majority, Homosexuals arn't that short in supply to be called a minority, Bisexuals(the not so real ones) are a hell of a majority.
And then there are the bastards like me, Celebate Voyers! One big damn minority! We don't care what the cock is going into or who she's rubbing against...
Spin the pinwheel, Blow some god damn bubbles, MAKE ME FEEL ALIVE DAMNIT!!!
I wanna be a minority
Down with the more of majority
I don't need your authority
'cause I'm already the minority!!!

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ArcherArtemisHabi: Wow.... That was very well said actually... I agree with your point too.

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omniamalgam: Wait theres a point?
I thought I was ranting about how I'm the only person I know who abstains from sex because my family is messed up(more or less) and How my response to people trying to call me gay saying 'He loves the cock...' I finish by saying 'Going into other people!'
And the people who claim to be 'bi-sexual/curious/whatever!' but chicken out at the last minute and bail just deserve a huge clue-by-four upside the head. It's called commitment people! Don't go saying that you're great no matter who you're with because 1) your full'a sh*+ 2) If you've really slept with enough people to say your that great I don't want to even breathe the same air as your gonna/hepa/syphl/aids infested walking corpse! 3) You have not enough a grasp of emotional attachments to portray 'love' 4) I don't feel like doing the horizontal mambo with a dead fish! 5) You've obviously had a BIG bowl of stupid'os for breakfast, lunch and dinner 6) YOUR STILL FULL'A SH*+!
So If you really are bi-whatever and are sexually liberated enough to be comfortable doing whatever with the opposite or your own sex, I applaud you, Personally I'm simply content to watch you and they do whatever.
My reason for uninvolvement being I'm comfortable enough around whoever whatever, I just agree that I don't need to breed and can't hold onto enough money at one time to pay for a visectemie(sp?).
And then there are those sad hiccups that unfortunately no matter how ignorant are still living creatures. Therefore a merciless prison/mafia style beating is still not good enough for them.
Sure that specific minority of celibate voyerism has it's ups and downs, but really, If your at the point when you're seriously considering disinvolving yourself from evolution and the very practice of procreation itself are you really gonna give a damn and a half?
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Hanky-Spanky: Did it feel good to get that off your chest omniamalgam? Sounds to me like you need to take-up some sort of hobby to vent all that negative energy (I would suggest getting laid, but you've made it ABUNDANTLY clear that sex is off the table at this point) It doesn't matter to me that it doesn't matter to you what's getting fucked by what in these pictures. I get most of what you are saying, but what were you referring to when you said "But when you need a review and you get a wry chuckle? IT PISSES ME OFF!"? Also in point 4) Why would you be expected to do "the horizontal mambo with a dead fish"?

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omniamalgam: Dear HS
Thanks... I think... Yeah I do need a hobby, and a car... A job... A real computer or six... My whole pissed offedness of it all is that this pic made me laugh, and I can't figure out why, I can't even say weather or not I like it because of multiple element's that I like and don't care for are present. Also a rant is apparently a good conversation starter. The dead fish is an old european reference to how stupid someone can talk a big game but be very inadequate in bed.
So for some reason I'm trying to do the opposite... For reasons beyond my understanding...
I'm all for variety and all but most male pics here just go uncommented upon, leaving a great open space of pure blankness for bastards like me to scrawl/vent something.
And I live by many or few principals in my pathetic self-depricateing life, some of those being:
Live 'till it hurts
Names are what other people give you
Theres no such thing as fighting dirty
Overcompensate for everything!
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Hanky-Spanky: You should have a very interesting "pathetic self-deprecating life". And your right, the male pics do seem to go un-commented on. I guess there aren't a lot of gay guys who are into tentacles? As for the women here, they seem a lot more interested in projecting themselves into these situations. Personally if I'm gunna watch someone (or something) get raped, it should at least be pretty and have nice tits. And I don't find human, or any type of dick, arousing in the slightest.

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omniamalgam: And I'm beginning to think along the lines of the immortal Victor Frankinstien. Pretty soon I'd be inventing new and ridiculous ways to elevate bordom because... Y'know that's actually a good damn question... Just watch Marry Shellys Frankenhole and you'll get where I'm coming from... Huh... I don't feel all rant-y all of the sudden...
Still boring, tiresome, mundane, and as cemertical to any other average schmuck out there my life may be, I'm still me.
And I'm glad that someone out there can take my debilitated rambelings and make an intellectual conversation of it.
And on a final note
God forbid...
Not even your own?
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omniamalgam: Good luck pal...
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Sword: Ooooookay all I have to say is: Clue by four. Nice wording *thumbs up* start a blog man!

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omniamalgam: *bows* Thank you, I try.
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ophidiophile: I'm pretty sure there's nothing up there worth reading. If there was, it would be boiled down to three lines or less. After all, I'm here for the pictures!

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omniamalgam: *Shrugs* Words are only worth what people read.
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Sword: ophidophile: I've got 1 word for you: Books.

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omniamalgam: Y'know... Your right... How does one start a blog anyway?
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