Tentacle arm_grab arms_behind_back brown_hair censored cum grey_eyes leg_grab lick neck_grab panties_aside restrained swimsuit tongue_out willing wink

Blotter updated: 02/08/25 Show/Hide Show All
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  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
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Anonymous1: I wish stuff like that would happen at my swimming pool.
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Anonymous2: I'd bet you would go swimming much more often...

It's a good exercise

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girlfuckr: so is standing up while you get fucked by a bunch of tentacles... what makes this pic funny is that the girl is like an anime version of my ex-GF and she didn't like the idea of tentacles x3

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Day of the Tentacle: how unfortunate

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girlfuckr: that she doesnt like tentacles or that we broke up?

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Day of the Tentacle: both?

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girlfuckr: aww thanks ^^; and yeah, i tried to get her into tentacles, but she seemed happy without them

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Day of the Tentacle: a real shame...

tentacle denial is a terrible thing

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girlfuckr: yep, but this picture bearing a resemblance to her does it make it that much more exciting for me ^_^

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Day of the Tentacle: I am sure it does

she would probably disagree...

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girlfuckr: yeah, she'd prolly kill me if she knew i were masturbating and picturing her being fucked by tentacles

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Day of the Tentacle: yeah keep that one to yourself...

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girlfuckr: i don't know, i might have to tell her just to get a rise out of her xD
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Lilitu: doit doit!!!
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aqua: wait.......*moves to canada, out of danger*
*calls you*
yes do it now
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Gaius: *stop and look down* hey Aqua what are you doing.....in my back yard?
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aqua: *turns around*
*only hears "eh" multiple times*
Oh hi gaius
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Gaius: *looks at your rapidly freezing body* um aqua it's like -20c here you may want to where a jacket or be placed in a thermostat or something
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aqua: *heats his body up a bit, but freezes anyway*
*has a frozen shell but the inner workings of his water body are flowing*
*cant move*
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Rynea: *peers at Aqua*

*Pokes him*
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Effnote: *gives aqua a fire*
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aqua: *fire just slides of of me and goes out when the melting water hits it*
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Effnote: *covers aqua in oil and sets the oil on fire*
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Drago: he will get out of that... *sigh*
*breaths a stream of fire onto him*
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Effnote: Now everything is on fire...
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Gaius: well you guys are all pyro's *returns to his high-tech igloo*
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Effnote: *teleports aqua to Brazil* *puts out the fire*
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aqua: *melts in the amazon*
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Drago: *settles in the flames*
aah much better
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Effnote: *teleports into Gaius' igloo.
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Gaius: come to watch the hockey game effnote?
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Effnote: Nah, I'm gere to look around. Nice igloo.
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foreveralone: *runs by chaseing zergling*
Hi Guys!!!
*counties chaseing zergling*
*fires off a few shots at the zergling*
*accdentaly hitting drago*
*looks up at a pissed drago*
*turns and runs like hell*
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Fishsticks: Meanwhile, through all this confusion, i am standing here watching you guys do really weird stuff, and wondering how all this came up from aqua teleporting to canada......i'm going to read a book.
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Drago: *chuckles* a little rp is good for you, books are boring anyway
*looks at foreveralone as the bb bullets bounce off him*
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ghost: insanity is what we do best here... even the tentacles come after the insanity....
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