dragon rape

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
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Uploader Ghost of Berserkas,
Tags dragon rape
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Shandrial: Thx for uploading this one Ghost. I likies.

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Ghost of Berserkas: My pleasure.

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Shandrial: Makes me think this is how you should "slay" the dragon in Dragon Age Origins. Just let it boff your brains out and call it done. No more blight no more arch demon all he wanted was some sex.
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immortal: Huh? U'r playing Dragon Age Origins? I thought you were a girl...

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Ghost of Berserkas: Yes, she is. And she's also browsing a tentacle rape site. Go figure. *rolleyes*

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Shandrial: I am a woman and I play Dragon Age Origins, as well as WoW, Crysis, UT3, The entire Baulders Gate series, IceWind Dale, Etc.... I just like a good story.

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Day of the Tentacle: I am surprised you have any spare time for sex :P

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Ghost of Berserkas: Maybe she combines the two?

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keren_sky: Heh, I would like to witness that.
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Darkheart: yeah me to =3

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Shandrial: Thats what the weekends are for.
Crysis and UT3 are for PMS Stress relief.
Baulders gate and IWD wont run on my new machine
WoW is for casual I hit over 5K gear score so Im bored with it again
And dragon age I like cause you can pause and save at any time.

To answer a unasked question I do only get maybe 4 hours of actual sleep on any given day though. But I've been running like that since I was in Junior high so to me its normal.

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Ghost of Berserkas: And once again, Shandrial stuns us all.
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Wulf: Baldur's Gate <3

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keren_sky: Wonder if my computer could run ut3... It ran ut2004 with stock settings ok. Off to unreal.com

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Shandrial: If it ran UT04 at base settings it will be lucky to get 12FPS on UT3. Its much more intense, I would not run that with anything under a 9500GT vid card and 4 GB of RAM.
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FuzzyTentacle: Thank you, Shandrial, for once again defying female stereotypes, and generally being awesome. I salute you.
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poplatino44: I used to play dragon age, but the fact that you ended up doing the same thing with any character sucks. I tried ut3, ran flawlessly but it got a bit boring, dunno why. I played bulletstorm, love it, just way to short of a story. And yes Shan is awesome. And a sexy puppy.

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Shandrial_: Thx hon.

Still play WOW - cant wait for The Old Republic to come out (Twi'Lik slut errr sith I mean).
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inuman98: and speaking of dragon games does anyone know of one where the hero/herine can turn into dragon an back again message me onthe forums if you do

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AzamiCore: @inuman98. Not that I know of for gaming, but I do know of a place that dose RP changing from humans to dragon then back again. Though you would need to find the chat room that RP it. The name of server is IMVU.

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Shinku: Fire Emblem Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn has characters that can do that, but they're not the MAIN characters and you get them later in the game.
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