Image Uploader vagrant, December 17, 2009; 04:09 Tags machine maid preparation rape Source Unknown Locked No Comments December 17, 2009; 07:30 - Reply raep: worms? since when do fish live in a woman's belly? I seriously doubt they'll catch anything. December 17, 2009; 07:35 - Reply Musical Rape: They could be fishing for STD's, they very well may catch something then. December 17, 2009; 08:44 - Reply GuiltyPleasure11: :3 December 17, 2009; 12:20 - Reply Desert_Wollf_Forgotten_Password: Could be larva and they're using her womb as a hatchery.... mmmm machine rape, womb fillification. Tasty. December 17, 2009; 22:10 - Reply oops the wrong one: too bad this site doesn't have a vid page (i wud like if there wud be a movie of this xD) December 17, 2009; 23:26 - Reply Randomness: Lolcats. Fishing for STDs December 17, 2009; 23:51 - Reply NotAGunForHire: or maybe the wiggling of hundreds of worms inside of her is arousing? December 18, 2009; 03:08 - Reply Randomness: Not nearly as funny December 19, 2009; 14:48 - Reply victim: i do see a small buldge December 20, 2009; 19:01 - Reply Scrawl: ..........this is awfully wrong....not epic. Can you imagine having sexual intercourse with this girl, and then you feel something in her vagina and all? HOrrible experience.... December 22, 2009; 06:09 - Reply Yamakaza: that would feel weird December 23, 2009; 00:39 - Reply raep: that would be awesome December 23, 2009; 02:34 - Reply NoOneKnows: hot, her face looks flat LOL December 24, 2009; 04:24 - Reply keren_sky: Esp. if the worms went up the hole in your dick.... December 24, 2009; 10:02 - Reply God: >.< keren stfu my penis could feel that when I read it and it did NOT feel good. December 24, 2009; 17:14 - Reply Fucker: That's kind of freaking me out,right? December 24, 2009; 18:14 - Reply Scrawl: That's freaking all of us out.... December 24, 2009; 20:13 - Reply keren_sky: Heh heh, sounds like that's a turn off for some guys. I've read there is a fish in south America that will swim up a man's urethra. December 24, 2009; 22:49 - Reply God: Ow.... December 26, 2009; 09:11 - Reply girlfuckr: yep, and it has spines so once its in it sticks and they have to remove it surgically as a sidenote (well more on topic of the picture actually) i think its the wriggling thing, cause that prolly would feel pretty good December 27, 2009; 03:47 - Reply keren_sky: And if you don't get to a hospital in time, say your prayers. April 17, 2010; 16:32 - Reply hentaifreak: arousing.... May 1, 2010; 12:59 - Reply Fucker: What is the thing on her belly? August 6, 2022; 07:07 - Reply LavaBomb: The thing around her belly looks like a belt vibrator harness. Maybe with an anal vibrator to reduce her anxiety from the wiggling worm. Link to Image BBCode Link Thumb Image HTML Link Thumb Image Plain Text Link Thumb Image You can turn off the ads by registering and logging in!
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I've read there is a fish in south America that will swim up a man's urethra.
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as a sidenote (well more on topic of the picture actually) i think its the wriggling thing, cause that prolly would feel pretty good
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