Tentacle anal ass_grab blush breast_grab closed_eyes cum_pool meatwall open_mouth purple_hair rape tentacles torn_clothes wall

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Anonymous1: holy shit shes in a POOL of cum!!!
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Anonymous2: and a wall of tentacles, YUM!

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Day of the Tentacle: What more could anybody ask for?
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haywheredtheporngo: Her as a slave :P
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Anonymous3: damn that must hurt like hell
who ever looks at this want to be her
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Anonymous4: In real life those tentacles wold look like wurms
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Anonymous5: awesome
about the worms, i mean
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church: i would gladly take her place
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Anonymous6: A tentacles worst enemy is the giant FISH nobody fucks with the fish
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Anonymous7: i would say that mouth thing must be plunging in her over and over and over and the wall is giving her the best boob job EVER!!!

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Desert_Wolf: well, we all know exactly what she'll be giving birth to for the next forever, an entire series of cum-bath tentacle monsters =D

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tentaclespwn: this may very well be my favorite picture on this entire site

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Alienhunter97: tentacle slave
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RandomPerson: I wish I was her. x3

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girlfuckr: im with you randomperson...if she's a prisoner, i don't wanna be free
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OfiraLupin: *sigh*

I want to be that lucky lady. O..O
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onigirimc: I wish I was in her place...
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Krakken: if a tentacle monsters worst enemy is a giant fish, then why am I a tentacle monster that EATS giant fish? and sharks? I think I even devourd a blue whale whole once....
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Krakken: devoured*
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Data 1: You know I think I'll be criticized for my views again and told things like "if you don't like don't come to this site" but I always find it a bit sad when I read comments that seem to ignore the feelings of the victim in the picture. ;-( Lets face it she probably isn't enjoying it and in reality if she could pick between death and this she would have picked death. It feels wrong to me (and everyone is allowed there own opinion and has the freedom to voice it) to put false feelings on things so we can enjoy them better. Isn't the act of convincing ourselves that a girl is enjoying being violated by tentacle over and over again until she either dies of fatigue or become unfit for reproduction and is eaten or disposed of in some other way a denial of a fictional reality? (Note* I understand that the term "fictional reality" is an oxymoron buy it seemed the most appropriate as we are talking about the reality in a fictional setting... reality being the replication/simulation of the state the fictional being is in that has the highest probability of being correct from the data aquired from the picture). Why can we not simply enjoy the fact that she is despairing in that pool of cum and as her sanity and soul are torn to shreds she is being transformed from an active human being into an object that has no choice, no control, and is not used for her mental or personal ability but her body is simply being used as a tool by a creature that seems for inferior to her according to her cultural, personal or mental criteria. To further have to give birth to creatures that have invaded her body and are sapping away at her body like parasites (which is what they are) would be agonizing. Can we not relish in that despair? (?,?) To feel the absolute pleasure of being both destroyer and the destroyed? (?.?) I suspect that humans are the only being that have the ability to become so depressed that their physical functions actually begin to shut down. Give any other infant animal food, warmth, and drink and they will survive. Give a human baby all these things and the greater portion of them will die as they lack an important part of their development... human interaction or more simply love. The picture here is a bizarre symbolism of both the unloved infant as the woman here is both cut off from social contact and has no ability to protect herself from her captors assults (features of infancy and powerlessness shown in her bondage) and also a bizarre inversion of the womb as where a normal infant will take life from their mothers and grow ina fleshy sack called the womb the mother here is placed in a fleshy sack and instead of having life taken from her she is being impregnated by new life. Thus not only mother and child roles are reversed but the mother father relation is also reversed.
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Data 1: I thought that my statment would be too long for one post so I decided to post once and begin anew. (For those who do not wish to be tired by more text, do not worry this is the conclusion of my opinion)

To go back to my main point I wish to ask those who wish to change the feelings or emotions of the victimised girls to suit their own entertainment to try and see the dark beauty and actually relish in destroying and committing such a grave crime against the humanity of another intelligent being. I hope that it leads to some greater insights within your own psyche as well as the psyche of others and the world later in life. Then again I might have interpretted everything wrong and someone smarter than me may show me where I have gone wrong and how I can correct myself. Good luck XD
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OrcMaster: I kinda skimmed over what you read, so I didn't get the jist of it, but...

Picard orders a software update on your brain, Data. :D
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Data 1: ????
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thesoullessone: tl;dr.
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Krakken: wow, was that the longest comment on this entire site or something?
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NotAGunForHire: I have to disagree with some points you raised, Data. The whole "fictional reality" thing is invalid since any work of art is open to interpretation and every person will see something different. Therefore, the most likely "reality" will be different for different people. Secondly, not every tentacle monster has to be a heartless, mindless sex fiend. They tend toward that of course, but that doesn't mean they're going to kill every girl they capture. Maybe its going to release her when its done? And there's no reason she can't be enjoying it.

I'd have to accuse you of changing the feelings and emotions of the girl to suit your own entertainment, since you seem to prefer that she be suffering.
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Data 1: Yeah, but what sort of life is she going to live after having this experience? (?.?). Its not to hard to decide from her expression and common sense that she "probably" isn't enjoying this endavour and most rape victims often feel responsible (illogically) for their own rape and can become heavily depressed. (;.;). Furthermore when I talked of fictional reality I was talking about how likely it was that she was actually enjoying the experience. True everyone is entitled their own opinions and views but not all views are correct. (e.g. saying a square is a circle) And also some views are more likely to be seen by a large number of people than others. Most people looking at this picture would probably think that she was in some sort of discomfort or pain (but ofcourse others may not. Her face looks more like a gasp of pleasure now looking at it more closely but then again I only put this comment on this picture because it was one of the first ones on the comment board)

As for your accusation... I'd like to say your wrong but yeah. You hit the nail on the head. I like both pleasure and pain so usually the scenarios I come up with are first demoralising/dehumanising the victim, then playing nice and healing their wounds, then breaking them again. (>u<). I know that sounds quite evil (if evil is sufficient) but I wouldn't classify myself as a bad person as I wouldn't victimise someone and not give them something in return ???? (equivalent change) is the way I try to live my life.
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Data 1: P.S. @thesoullessone what does tl;dr mean?
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Data 1: sorry the 4 question marks were Japanese characters that didn't get into the post. (^.^;)
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Data 1: Look reading over my comments again I may have worded them slightly offensively in some cases and I can't change anything now but can I just apologize to anyone I have offended on this site. m(_ _)m
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thesoullessone: tl;dr means "too long; didn't read". my attention span is HORRIBLE these days. (^.^;)
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Millia: Data, STFU. that is all.
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Data 1: Why??? (?x?) I'd just like some kind opinions thats all (;.;)

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keren_sky: I need to read Data1's post when all the blood is not in my dick. XD
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Data 1: Thinking in a half dazed state isn't that bad. It alows one to be more accepting. (>u<)

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Drop: Data, I completely agree with your first statement... err paragraph.

To me she looks like she is enjoying herself. The blush on her face is most likely from the pleasure she gets from having a tentacle inside of her. But, it could also reflect her embarrassment/shame for being in this situation. Also, her eyebrows would be raised towards the center of her forehead is she was experiencing pleasure and it doesnt look like they are so most likely it is discomfort or pain.
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Data 1: Atlast a lovely comment!(^u^) (though Not a gun for hire's comment was great as well) I would agree with your analysis of her fatial expressions. Iwoul also like to add, however, that her pained expression may simply be because she was a virgin and her first time is hurting her (which could make the pic willing or unwilling). (^u^)
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Millia: FFS, IT'S A DRAWING. Get over it.
Every time you over-analyze hentai, god kills a catgirl.
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Krakken: no, no, millia. its every time you bring PHYSICS into hentai, god kills a catgirl.
but lets not take any chances....
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Data 1: A picture is worth a thousand words. If you don't want to join in any discussions be my guest but I enjoy actually talking with the members here and to debate as well as play about and in the fantasies they have created and those that are posted on this site as images.
P.S. Cat girls can't die from exposure to physics anymore as Raidus (our dear and most esteemed god) has decreed it impossible. (^u^)
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Krakken: oh yeah.....
I remember that now.....
Im bored.....
Im going to go rape someone.....
hopefully a catgirl....
And I'll try to send you postcards ;)
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Revenant: There is no victim. It's an imaginary situation.
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Krakken: and?
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Revenant: I was just going by Data's lament about our lack of feelings for "the victim".
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Krakken: so, we can still feel for it even if it isnt real.
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Revenant: Sure, but it's pretty meaningless.
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Krakken: whatever.
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pierape: *blinks*
why is she in my pool desu~?
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