Knight anal dragon monochrome rape

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
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  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Tags anal dragon Knight monochrome rape
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Drago: *another..simple grin and wink*
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OrcMaster: You know it. *pointing finger like a gun*
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lolsuarus: why am i left out?
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OfiraLupin: Grandad?! It That you!!! O_o
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drgon king: u rape to many humans drago try fucking our kind some times
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Drago: Fair enough, there is a whole series of me at college on the forums, I suggest checking that.
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drgon king: still get a dragon to fuck thayve got bigger boobs to squeeze and like
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Drago: what's wrong with pleasing a lucky follower or hero/heroine? you make relationships and mating sound like a mindless act and not a romantic friendship between two souls.. fwaaaa *spills out emotions all over the place*
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drgon king: ohh shut up and be a man drago
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Dragon King: change like to lick
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Dragon King: grow some balls drago ohh wait u cant ur a girl with a double way strap on hahaha i embaresed u infront of your friends drago what r u going to do?
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Dragon King: and u hide your self behind thes fake dragos
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thesoullessone: dude, what the hell is your problem? i sincerely doubt you've embarrassed Drago at all - YOU'RE the one making an ass of yourself. grow up or go away.
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Drago: Indeed, just because I acused you of being a twit you instantly leap to insulting me without knowing anything about me, I think you should think twice mate unless you want to get yourself banned.
But before that are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today? Its very amusing *puts on some music* can you dance now?
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OrcMaster: Drama!
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Wulf: *laughs uproariously*

FYIAD anyone? Bwahahaha...
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Dragon King: drago the ass wulf the miget and thesoullessone wtf is with your name its not scary if u want it to and drago y r u a dragon if u dont have dragon pics?
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Drago: FYIAD exactly. fnaa
Im the ass? lol
there are many reasons why I chose or was elected this name, how does having pictures of dragons make me one? Agreed with soulless, why is it you are being a knob to me?
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Dragon King: dont piss me off drago i could burn u like an infuno hiting u there will be nothing left but your feet heheh
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Dragon King: *infurno
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Drago: erm..okay.. im not sure but you're taking the rp a little too seriously, I asked why you were being a knob, not what you would do to me i touched a sensitive spot.
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Dragon King: thats it *burns dragos right wing*
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Drago: not only have you insulted members, but also assaulted me. Good luck. Im done giving you pity.
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Dragon King: *pulls out sword and cuts dragos leg* stfu or your other leg gets it

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Day of the Tentacle: A round of applause fro Dragon King ladies and gentlemen, he has been promoted to asshat with all the privileges that come with it. I.e. he has been banned.
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Drago: Its fun when you get rid of twits for good, hurra
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Wulf: No fair! I want to be an asshat...
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thesoullessone: you know what time it is??? it's 4:49! HAMMER TIME!!

*does the MC Banhammer dance*
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Wulf: *dances as well, busting some kill-ah moves*

Wait a second. Oh, shit...

Anyway, Wulf is too damn 'hawt' to ban. Am I right people?

*ominous silence...*

*ears fall, tail between legs* *eyes downcast*
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Data 1: Don't worry Wulf I'm sure they won't ban you... if they do I'll become an ass hat as well XD
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Wulf: I know. Just trying to be humorous...

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Drago: can't ban this, can't ban this, stop its wulfy time. *points at wulf* stopped -.-
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Data 1: DDuh Duh duh duh? can't ban this! Duh Duh duh duh? can't ban this! Duh Duh duh duh? can't ban this! b(>u<)b
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Data 1: Sorry the question mark is supposed to be an exclamation mark (^.^;) (sweating face)
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Krakken: *facetentacle*
you just COULDNT resist, could you?
*breaks out in song with data*
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