Tentacle anal cum rape

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Tags anal cum rape Tentacle
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Gaius: what can anime girls no even use the bathroom without being raped as a service charge these days
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werewolfmaster: she's wearing a collar. The master likes.

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duneisawesome2: I am pretty sure they get tons of insurance money through this.

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keren_sky: I have the feeling this is part of a series i downloaded.

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experimentzero: i would love for that to happen to me everytime i went to the bathroom... if only
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FMEmC: Where did the rest of her arm go?
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The Shadow of Death: this looks to be an overlay of an anime style pic on a 3D porn background.
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Data 1: I know this might sound wierd but...
Even though these images are fictious and we are allowed to indulge in our fantasies as much as we choose is it not slighly immoral (and unhealthy) to keep on looking at females as objects for sex? Even though these comments (on this image and others) could be a throw away joke could there be a danger of mixing our fantasies and realities together? (?.?)

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keren_sky: I've often wondered about that. Like if a guy has a female superior/employer and he looks @ porn a lot might his attitude towards is superior suffer?

Probably there is a danger of mixing, I'm sure it has occurred.
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Stingfish: That's one of the main reasons that younger kids are discouraged from watching porn; adults are concerned that it might warp their views on what is expected and acceptable.
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Wulf: I concur Data 1. The solution? More males being violated, of course. =3
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Stingfish: Yeah, why did it have to be part of the male psyche to want to attack girls and not the other way round, that's what I'd like to know :(
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Data 1: Guys lead short dangerous lives and expire
Girls lead long lives because they have to raise children and help the next generation in raising their offspring.
In reality the human race was originally a matriarchial society (women controlled what happened) as women tended to live longer than men (because guys as a rule of thumb tend to be stupid (an I am a guy...)) and thus had greater say over what the group would do. Guys are more or less:
a) a way to create genetic diversity
b) there to do the stuff women can't do (e.g. drive, rape people, start wars, etc.) ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZD (REALLY drunk face)
In short guys = short lived therefore the rapists are more likely to get their genes passed on.
girls = would like to do the same thing as guys just can't because they can get pregnant + have to raise children.
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Millia: That only applies when survival of the species is at stake.
i.e. not today, the only thing holding women back is obsolete traditions. And even so women have been capable leaders, and drivers, and better flyers, and have started war, and yes, even raped people. I know the last one for a fact.
Your analysis is out of date by some 100,000 years.
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Data 1: I know but still when one debates are tries to start a discussion it gets very difficult to judge all sides equally and must take a stand with one side of another...
Achmed: Causing terror is easy... being politically correct is a pain in the as*!
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