Astaroth Shinra_Bansho Tentacle anal consensual demon demoness double_penetration female_demon futa nipple_latch rape willing

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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tentaclemama: this pic was almost great until i saw its dick T__T

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Desert_Wolf: wah wah wan penis. It happens.
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thesoullessone: what do people have against futanari? honestly.
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Gaius: nothing really sides just morons people (not mentioning any names you know who you are) seem to have to voice their dislikes, nothing personal and i hope you take no offense by it

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Day of the Tentacle: futa is cool
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Hijin: how do i post a pic?

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Day of the Tentacle: index page, upload image on the left hand side
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aqua: I can see why someone would voice thier opinion on guro but there really is no excuse for complaining about futa
unless of course hermaphrodites are less morally correct than the willfull destruction of parts of the human body for your own selfish erotic pleasure
now I have nothing against people who like guro, I just find reason to complain about it
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Lilitu: mmm the tentacle from penis should go and be replaced by a fem bending over....

~volunteers~ lol
damn I wish demons were realllll
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Effnote: Oh, but they are real, and inside you.
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Lilitu: ssssh you aren't supposed to know
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Lilitu: (that theres internet in hell)
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An0nymus: idk but the penis is what gets me on a guy should know what its like to taste cum lol

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lovemunky: okay...that's just hot.
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Data 1: aqua I just love you and the fact you've said you don't like guro. Remember that talk we had over Grenudo's Guro picture? I'm more than happy to explain why Guro is appealing all over again and more.

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Thecommander236: this is from WOW, love it
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IDCATBS: i like futa but this is one pic that seams a little odd
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ghost: absolute all time favorite...
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Krakken: O.o
is that a drill?

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floxinme: you voiced my thought exactly. That pointed bit that looks like it might be spinning at high speeds? Maybe demons need high powered sex?

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diVIne_Tentacle: deeper deeper! Thar be gold in thare matey! Sorry I just had to say that. I love everything except the sparkles and stuff that remind me of one of those 6 episode anime's that you can't help but watch for the cheesy factor
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