Tentacle Vaginal breast_wrap censored double_penetration leg_wrap legs_apart meatwall oral waist_wrap wet_pussy willing

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Tags breast_wrap censored double_penetration legs_apart leg_wrap meatwall oral Tentacle Vaginal waist_wrap wet_pussy willing
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supertron: Damn that's hot!

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MegumiZero: Taste like hubba bubba.
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Sensuen: Sexy pink tentacles. So does anyone want to write a story about how she gets like this and what the baby will be like?
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Liedata011: Narrotor: Rika was walking home from the day care center after tidying up the room for tomorrow. She'd gone home later than usual as she had to spend some extra time cleaning up a rather horrible paint stain out of the carpet after arts and crafts earlier that day.
She repositioned her hand bag over her shoulder and brushed her shoulder length hair over her ear, breathing out contentedly as she felt the cool summer night wind blow against her neck.
The streets were dark and deserted with only the pale white light of the lamp posts dotting the street with circles of light where moths and other nocturnal insects congregated in their nightly gatherings.
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Liedata011: After getting home to her apartment Rika noticed a couple extra pair of shoes at the entrance.
Smiling slightly she took off her shoes and walked down the hall way past the sliding doors of her bedroom.
"Tadaima, sorry I'm late." she cried into the still unlit living room.
"I'll get dinner ready soon so..."
She felt a wet lick across her ankle.
Sighing she looked down at the pink tentacle beginning to curl around her leg and steadily winding it's way up her thigh.
"Are you really that hungry?"
The tentacle stopped at her question for a moment and then squeezed twice, gently, around her leg.
"Ok... but I want to undresss fi..."
She got no further before a mass of pink tentacles entombed her taking bits of clothing, apparel, and make up off of her rapidly but gently soon leaving only the black leather choker around her neck.
Before Rika could berate her assailant for the enthusiastic dining preparations, her body was quickly lubricated and warmed with multiple tentacles as they massaged her tired limbs as well as stimulating every centimeter of her being.
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Liedata011: Somebody else continue I'm exhausted after that out burst XP unless this should have gone on the forums.
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Anonymous1: i would love to be in this position

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NowhereWoman: ...I want a housemate like that... :D
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Anonymous2: I wish that there where actually caves irl that, if you went in far enough, these beautiful tentacles would exist.

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Biodeamon: well there is a cave made entirely of hair if your into that. i'm not even kidding, it's in switzerland underneath a potter's shop.
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Anonymous3: lol
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Sensuen: I have an idea to make a cave of tentacle breasts in a story I have on Fur Affinity called Tentacle Breasts. Comment there if you want. That may look something like this.
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