Dragon_Quest belly_bulge belly_button censored dragon legs_apart legs_spread massive_insertion monster open_mouth vaginal_penetration willing

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Data 1: Drago, you sure have grown since doing the little brunette (and went from green to brown)
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Drago: hehehe that's my chinese cousin,
he seem's to be doing well =3
notice his cool moustashe
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Drago: also il quickly say thanks An0nymus for the family album,
nice to see everyone is doing well, very well
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drgon king: man my 3 chin es bro is geting action too man my family hes good taste in woman but they dont eat them like i do
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Dragon King: *3rd
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Torture: ...i didnt understand a word you just said
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kairi_kitty: I think he's trying to say "Man, my 3rd chinese brother is getting too many action. *doesn't get the family part*. He has good taste in women but he doesn't eat them like I do."

Did I get that right?
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Wulf: If I may...

"Man, my 3rd Chinese brother is getting action too! My families got good taste in women, but they don't eat them like I do."
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Drago: At least most dragons make an attempt at grammer. Rawr.
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Wulf: ...grammer?
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Adolf: *facepalm*
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Mana: I think he meant "grammar" as in the logical and structural rules that govern the composition of sentences, phrases, and words in any given natural language and then mocked it by going rawr. Moo~
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Wulf: The intricate layers of irony and sarcasm are altogether too complex for a simple wulf, such as myself. Moo~
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Mana: Duuh *pats the simple wulf* Woof.
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Wulf: Your canidae is a bit rusty, madam moo-cow..
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Mana: Then read a book or something. *Hands Wulf the field guide to monster girls*
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God: Lol I loved those
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God: Mr dragon has no balls....
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Drago: Most likely hidden on the inside to enhance flying through the air.
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Hi: Can anyone please
tell me in detail how to get to the forum
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Hanky-Spanky: @Hi: It's tentaclerapeforums.com now hush-up
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Hi: Thanks
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Hi: How big would you say those eggs are in relation to her body? I'm writing a little story and want to include something like this in it.
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Hi: Nvrmind I just realized how dumb that was
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