Tentacle cum nun rape

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Tags cum nun rape Tentacle
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Day of the Tentacle: I wonder where she got the crowbar

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Day of the Tentacle: maybe a unit on the wall 'In Case of Tentacle Rape, Break Glass'
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Wulf: What did she break the glass with then? Would she not just have used that?

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Day of the Tentacle: she breaks it with her elbow obviously
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Wulf: Kung-fu nuns...

What does she need the crowbar for? :P

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Day of the Tentacle: dealing physical damage, ever tried kung-fu on a tentacle? besides, nuns are muscle bound, but not necessarily kung-fu trained
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Wulf: A 'Crowbar' has to be the lamest choice ever, I mean who keeps crowbars in glass cases?

You would keep a katana in case of 'Tentacle rape' ;)

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Day of the Tentacle: lame? try telling Gordon Freeman that
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Wulf: Gordon Freeman can suck my Head-crab...

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Day of the Tentacle: ...?

*arches eyebrow* right...
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Wulf: I got that reference wrong?

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Day of the Tentacle: no, just amusingly random
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Wulf: I thought so - anyway, great sound effects going on in this pic..

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Day of the Tentacle: yeah, no idea what that sound is supposed to be
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Wulf: *Tumb's DotT*

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Day of the Tentacle: it is no 'pow' or 'thwack' anyway.
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Wulf: It is just counter-intuitive. It makes no sense, not matter how many times I run it through my head..

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Day of the Tentacle: exactly, I imagine it as being the sound a tuning fork makes...
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Wulf: Unless those tentacles are metallic, which they do not look...

That would justify the sound I think - like a dull 'clunk'
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DeadNotSleeping: Oh maw gawd! you guys are more interesting to pay attention to than tantacle rape! XD

... that's gotta be saying something

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Day of the Tentacle: thanks, we try
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Wulf: *shakes DotT's hand vigorously, patting him on the back and flashing fangs for the cameras*

Pleasure doing business with you...
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Data 1: Its more like a punchingbag noise
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aqua: I'm thinking "tung" is the sound of the crowbar, but it seems that this seen is lacking the tentacle's audible response

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Day of the Tentacle: it doesn't say 'tung' though
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Wulf: *'Tumbs' aqua for his amazing ability to miss the point entirely - and for spelling scene incorrectly*
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aqua: *goes back to play with his block like nothing ever happened*
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An0nymus: Didn't you guys hear this is the Church next to Black mesa East
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foreveralone: hl rocks and tentacles aint got nothing on Gotdon Freeman
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nicolette: Wait.. Satan is a tentacle monster?

O_O I wanna go to hell now.
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IMAZOMBIE_358: i thought she said retarded...lol ish having good lols...
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IMAZOMBIE_358: that and bout damn time it stops coming out of her nose...
AAAAH...random thought...
the nun with the crowbar beats the shit outta the tentacles, then the lady getting raped beats her upside the head like WHY DIDNT YOU SAVE ME EARLIER?
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