Tentacle anticipation blush bondage large_breasts see_through tears

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Uploader Dominance,
Tags anticipation blush bondage large_breasts see_through tears Tentacle
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Shadow-Demon: This one looks like a portrait. Beautiful.

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Shandrial_: Very pretty,
If I was tied up like that awaiting this fate I'd be so dripping wet.

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Akemi: Me too Shandrial, its very hot!
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Charlene: Lovely
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EmberHeart: this seems similar to something me 'n an ex boyfriend tried, but without the tentacles... instead, he put vibrators in my ass and pussy, then taped one in between my tits, turned them on and left the room... he came back after the batteries died and untied me... P.S. never put tape on tits, its painful coming off
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InvadersMustDie: That's dangerous. I would never just leave a person. I'd at least stay and watch. But seriously, you should never leave your mate alone when tied up. :/

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NowhereWoman: Depending on the tape, a little rubbing alcohol dissolves the glue....duct tape, yeah...bad news. Owie.
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EmberHeart: actually, that incident is what taught me how great bondage is XP
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Master200963: Yes I'd just do that but instead of leaving I'd just put my dick in the girls mouth atleast I get some pleasure
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EmberHeart: and i would let you, but deepthroat makes me puke >.<
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EmberHeart: btw, if it involves chains, rope, duct tape, handcuffs or any other form of bondage, chances are i've done it.
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glasher_: hmmm... seems shan has some competition now
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EmberHeart: damn right she does! i even have a mechanical variant of the popular 'rape suit' in my closet, as well as countless other toys/devices. add the fact that im bisexual and shan doesnt stand a chance >:D
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Master200963: ......DO U HAVE TO MAKE IT HARD TO CHOOSE?
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EmberHeart: well, does shan look like shes still 18 desite being atleast 25?
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Master200963: hey if the girl is sexy it dont matter what age as long they sexy
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Hanky-Spanky: And who said you had to settle for just one Master? I highly doubt Shan is the jealous type ;)
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Master200963: hey u cant fuck 2 girls at the same time with one dick
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Dominance: I suppose if its big enough you could line them up
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EmberHeart: but that would reqiure the first girl to get it anal... and ur dick would be digested, but that way you get all 3 basic sex types, in order---anal-->oral-->vaginal... but the stomach acid keeps u from going further than the anal... which makes me sad, i would love being orally and anally fucked with one dick/tentacle... and add another girl and im givin 2 orals at once :D
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Dominance: I'd worry more about the 28 feet of intestine before you even reach the stomach
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EmberHeart: atleast poo cant dissolve flesh
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EmberHeart: the more i look at this the more i wanna be her... and try on that outfit
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Dominance: It's not the poo you have to worry about, Its the massive amounts of digestive fluid in the intestine...

and it is a rather nice outfit
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EmberHeart: ur bowels can digest stuff 0.o makes anal sex a lil less appealing...
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Dominance: No :P

Your Intestine does.

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Shandrial_: How is anal less appealing, I enjoy it quite a lot
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EmberHeart: cuz if ur intestine AKA the inside of ur ass can digest, that means w/e may be in there... well, its not like acid, but do it long enough and the man fucking u will be in pain, and pain/blood is my biggest turn-off
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Master200963: That's gotta suck...
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Master200963: And it's Impossible to do that cuz the insides are left right staight etc. And the dick would HURT if I gets hard making all those turns
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Hanky-Spanky: Seriously Master, why you gotta make this more difficult than it haz 2 be. Just have Shan and Ember take turns between getting oral and vaginal (or anal). Or just have them fuck each other while you watch. Simple!
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Master200963: Well it's possible...
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EmberHeart: im bi, so i'll let shan decide... wait, what if master does me doggystyle while i lick shans pussy? that way everyone wins :D or shan could be in the middle... i dont care as long as theres no way for me to resist.

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Shandrial_: I'll take that. =)
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Master200963: I like the frist idea better
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Master200963: Or we do both
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Hanky-Spanky: You're welcome! I'll expect a personal thank-you from Shan and Ember afterward ;)
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EmberHeart: well, hank suggested me 'n shan go at it while u watch, but my idea gets everyone invloved :D
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EmberHeart: and hank, ur not getting a thx from me 'n shan... we'll be far too busy for that *wink*
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Hanky-Spanky: I might just jump in and surprise you then >)

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Shandrial_: Both and invent new things as time goes on. =)
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Master200963: No u ain't Hank
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Hanky-Spanky: Why not? There would still be at least two good holes left no mater what you decided on. Why let them go to waste?
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Master200963: Cuz it's better
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Hanky-Spanky: Hey you're right!
*ties up Master and throws him in a closet*
More for me! =D
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Master200963: Cuts loose,grabs shotgun,kicks door open* ohhh not for u I'm having them! *ties him up and locks him in a metal room*
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EmberHeart: sry hank, but ur far to violent. i choose master.
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Master200963: :D
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EmberHeart: jeez, i have like 20-30 different sex toys, but i just realized i dont own any chains OR a decent lock that isnt built in to my front door... wtf O.o
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EmberHeart: and guys, why are you fighting over me and shan? assuming u know basic math, im shocked u dont see that 1 ember+1 shan=2 horny females
1 hank+1 master=2 horny males
2 horny females=2 dripping genital openings
2 horny males=2 stiff genital insertion devices
you see? theres one of us for each of u.
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EmberHeart: but master gets me, i like his style *wink*
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EmberHeart: but how did shan get involved in this when she only commented once before we started?
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Master200963: Idk.....and how do u like my style? I'm a idiot who blurts random things out
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EmberHeart: i find idiots always have more fun with bondage... but i like how u seem to be agressive yet subtle
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Master200963: Agressive and nice and paranoid and crazy all in one? I should never lead a contrey
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EmberHeart: actually, thats exactly what US looks for in a president. after all, we are...
AMERICA: the nation of low standards :D
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Master200963: Not all of us...
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EmberHeart: yeah, just 99.9999999999% of us :3
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Master200963: Just 99.9 would be better...
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Master200963: Is it wrong to have a major hard on for emo girls?

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Shandrial_: I seem to dragged into most things. I kind of like it =)

Hugs Ember.

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NowhereWoman: Noone ever has to DRAG you anywhere, Shan ;D Thought it might be fun to.
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Dominance: I don't think anyone would be able to drag Shan anywhere without being thrown into a wall.

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Shandrial_: But what if I like being dragged....
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Dominance: Then you can be dragged... I'm just saying i wouldn't jump out of a tree and try to kidnap you or anything because i would end up through the trunk of the tree
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Master200963: Shan getting dragged butt naked tentacles swarming around her stimulating her...think of it
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EmberHeart: i would wanna be the tentacles... i always wonder what its like having no real use besides sex, and being powerful enough that nobody can resist...
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EmberHeart: dominance, being stuck sideways in the trunk of a tree might be a fun form of bondage... there are so many 'tree hugger' jokes i could make right now XD

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Shandrial_: Dom was probably making a ref that I'm a 5th Dan Black Belt. =)
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TentacleHannah: This picture is amazing on the topic of the comments me and my girlfriend tried bondage it really turned me on but we have not done it since then again it was a hassle to get in and out off xD

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Azrael: I think that is the idea :P

not really bondage if you can get out of it easily
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TentacleHannah: :P she is was with me when I made the comment saying "if you liked it so much you should have said" xD
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