Roundscape_Adorevia animated no_sound slide_show slug video willing

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Lord-Tentacle: CG test: part 1
The large, slug-like creature slowly moves across the stone floor towards you, leaving a trail of slime in its wake. In the corner of the room, it appears to have made a small nest for itself, clearly happy with the new source of food it has found in the castle.

Akira: Gods, you're slimy!

The strange creature rears itself up, bringing it to waist height before you. The slug's underside is covered in a multitude of what you assume are little, stubby feet. But nestled in the middle of its underside, you can see two, well, you presume they are cocks. Or whatever might pass for a sexual organ on a giant slug from another world! And just like any other cock, they appear to grow before your very eyes; Both of these exotic appendages leaking even more slime than the rest of the bizarre creature's body. Slowly, the slug begins to advance towards you, the two antennae atop its head wiggling slowly from side to side although for what purpose you know not...

Akira: Alright, time for you

Almost as soon as the tought of drawing your weapon enters your head, you feel a strange sensation wash over you; A confusing aura that seems to emanate from the otherworldly creature before you. The beat of your heart quickens, and you feel that familiar heat rising on your skin. But most telling of all is the heat between your loins. Your womanhood feels like it's ablaze with a sexual need for...That...thing?

What was previously an object of disgust has become an object of your darkest desires. Any and all thoughts are blocked out by the desire to mate with the purple creature that slowly inches towards you. You want nothing more than to feel its slimy form against your own. Without even noticing, you find yourself turning around. Ready to submit to these unnatural desires. Ready to be taken by the utterly alien creature...

[Give in your desires]

Just like that, you give in to the lustful thoughts that race through your brain. Frantically, you find your hands fumbling with your skirt, desperate to remove all that stands between your pussy and the creature which you are utterly in thrall to. Thankfully for your rising lust, the leather straps give way easily enough, allowing your skirt to slide down your legs and to the floor. As is usually the case, your panties are still in your underwear drawer. A state of affairs that makes sense given the life you life. So often do you find yourself entertaining a wide variety of lovers that wearing underwear really isn't worth the effort...

Akira: And another lover to add to my list...

You swear your heart quickens even further at just the thought of such a taboo and exotic union as this. Eager to show the slug that you are his-or perhaps hers-for the taking, you grip the nearest pillar and bend over. Spreading your legs just enough to expose your womanhood to the sexually charged air that surrounds you. Already, your well-traveled pussy is absolutely sopping wet, its juices dripping down on the stone floor in great quantity. A state of affairs no doubt exaggerated by whatever strange effect this creature has on your mind and body. Slowly, the slug inches towards you, seemingly homing in on the scent of your sex. You find yourself gripping the pillar all the tight as it closes in, your ample breasts squishing themselves against the smooth stone as they strain against the leather and cloth of your top.

Akira: Come and get it...

You wiggle your ass slightly at the slug, more for your benefit than the presumably blind invertebrate. It never even occurs to you that this creature might be dangerous, previous experiences having taught you that a truly dangerous creature would have attacked by now. Not to mention, your previous experiences with lusty critters that all seemed to end quite satisfactorily for everyone involved... Before you have the chance to dwell on such thoughts any further, the slug is behind you with what you presume is its head poking at your snatch.

Akira: Ah! It tickles!

It really does tickle. Whether it's the creature's slime, or merely its touch, you do not know. But through contact with its body, your pussy tingles and sparkles with jolts of soft pleasure that springs from your loins. You can't help but quiver slightly as the slug nuzzles itself between your buns, smearing both of your holes with its strange, tingling slime in the process. Only for it to finally find that you pass muster and begin its ascent up your leg.

Akira: Damn Meredith and her aphrodisiac plants...

Your voice is fluttery with exhilaration; Every fiber of your bring is charged with erotic excitement at this most taboo of acts. The thought of being fucked and bred by a beast you should be disgusted by fills you with all manner of forbidden lust. Up one leg the creature crawls. Its many tiny feet all working in unison as the slug rounds the curve of your ass and drags itself onto your back, leaving a trail of thick, gloppy slime along the way. Soon, the creature is sprawled almost across the length of your back, its modest weight resting entirely on you in a slight show of dominance. To your rear, you can feel the slug's two prehensile, members writhing around your ass; Searching for the holes by which they might breed with this strange new female.

Akira: Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods!

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Lord-Tentacle: CG test: part 2
You begin to pant with nervous excitement at what comes next. Those two, thick, pointed, cocks almost seem to have minds of their own as they hunt for your holes while the slug clings to your back with its suckers. Suddenly, one of those cocks finds its mark, and you feel the tapered tip probing against the folds of your sex. Like a living thing, it presses tentatively against your hole. Gently probing and poking, before it slips itself inside. The slug makes love in the same way it moves: slowly and purposefully. Despite the substantial girth of that cock, its tapered shape-not to mention copious amounts of slime-allows it to slowly stretch out your pussy more and more. Until you are nicely plugged up to the hilt by plenty of purple cock...

Akira: Yessss! Gods, that feels incredible!

The slug pays no head to your lusty words of pleasure, being far more focused on finding a home for its second member. The muscular, prehensile limb slops and slides across your ass, desperately searching for a new hole to slip inside of. Only for it to finally discover your tightly puckered little backdoor. You feel the tip gingerly rub that sensitive ring of flesh, the slug behaving every bit delicately as a human lover would, even if only by virtue of its inherently slow movements! There's no denying what it wants though. Once again, a tapered shape, combined with copious amounts of slime, allow the exotic cock to slide into your rear entrance. The flesh of your sphincter expanding to permit that purple phallus passage to the warm depths that lie beyond. The alien cock venturing deeper and deeper until you are utterly double-stuffed by the slug's (presumably) reproductive organs.

Akira: So fuuuullll...

Such is the sheer alien nature of this experience that you can barely string two words together in response. You feel well and truly stuffed by slimy, otherworldly cock. Your body utterly submitting to the beast's needs and desires. And so, like any other animal, it begins to take its mate. The slug doesn't fuck you in the conventional sense. In fact, its body remains more or less stationary on your back. Instead, its two cocks seem to compress and contract inside of your body. Such is the control that the creature has over its appendages that they can force those two limbs to compress and withdraw into their own body slightly, before expanding outwards once more and plunging back into your holes all over again. Perfectly mimicking the thrusting, grinding motions of all the other cock-wielding lovers you've had over the years, only with much less effort!

Akira: I-i-impressive...

A flush of heat comes to your cheeks as you realize just how ludicrous this situation is; the fact that you are sexually attracted to this thing is ridiculous enough, but even more ridiculous is you being impressed by its sexual prowess. But gods be damned if it doesn't know what it's doing. Its two cocks skillfully work your holes at a slow and steady pace, leaving you wondering if you are the first woman who has submitted her body for its pleasure. Deep inside of you, the tips of both cocks seems to move around of their own accord, exploring your body and leaving you with an entirely pleasurable tingle stemming out from your inner core. Even if part of you still can't believe this is happening.

Akira: F-fuck, why does t-t-this feel so-mmmmm-so good!?

Frankly, you don't want to think too hard about why the slug is able to please you so readily. All you want to do is revel in the moment and soak in all the heady pleasure that the creature has to offer you. So much pleasure... Even the sensation of the slug's slimy, gelatinous body on your bare skin is pleasurable. It feels like your entire back is tingling with pinpricks of ecstasy that spread out across your torso and over your chest. The slug itself barely seems to move, content with simply nuzzling slightly at your hair as it slowly works its twin phalluses in your body. Leaving you now unable to do anything other than moan like a bitch in heat.

Akira: Ohhhhh!

Slowly, the slug starts to increase its pace. At least as much as the rather sedate creature can increase its pace, that is. But nonetheless, its twin cocks contract and expand inside of you at just the right speeds for you to really enjoy it. Not to fast, and not to slow. Just that steady in and out that combines with the stimulating effects of the slime to really get you off. By now, you are well and truly lost in the realm of pleasure. Moaning and groaning underneath the slug, as your knees begin to quiver more and more at the slow, creeping pleasure you feel washing over you. Only for your abdomen to slowly be engulfed in a sensation of viscous, erotic pleasure as the creature cums, unseen and unannounced, inside of you.

Akira: Yes! Fill me up!

Even you can't quite believe how shamefully lustful your words are. How much you desire to be filled with whatever it is that the slug is emptying inside of you. You have no idea how much of that tingling goo it has already pumped inside of you, nor how much is yet to come. All you know is that it keeps on working its cocks in and out of your warm, mammalian body. Of course, given the sheer frenzy of sexual delight that the creature's cum seems to be putting you through, it's inevitable that you would reach your own peak sooner, rather than later.


Your foul-mouthed scream of rapture must have been heard in the cells outside as you finally hit your very highest peak. It feels like a dam has broken inside of you. Such is the sheer intensity of the nerve-destroying orgasm that fires across your body. The tidal wave of pleasure leaves your knees shaking and your thighs quivering, so much that you can barely support the weight of the creature still clinging to your back. Leaving your only option to slide down the marble pillar and come to rest on your chest, your hands still clinging weakly to the smooth rock, whilst your eyelids flutter at the pleasure still coursing through your body.

Akira: G-good slug...

Your words come out as a weak whisper before you fall into a deep, exhausted, sleep. When you awake, you are still covered in slime, and both holes leak copious amounts of whatever sexual fluids your exotic lover released inside of you. The slug, however, is gone and its nest abandoned.

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RaelB: That was very good.
Is there more to this?

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Lord-Tentacle: I think that’s the only scene with the slug however there is a bunch of other scenes that might be able to go on here

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Muzan666: nice story
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