chains tentacle_rape x-ray

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Tags chains tentacle_rape x-ray
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Lord-Tentacle: Apparently, I stumbled across a tentacle hentai t-shirt while online shopping. I'm definitely going to buy it along with a slutty t-shirt.

I'm such a slut :)

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The_Mr_J: Wait, the tentacle hentai t-shirt is not the slutty shirt?

Also, keep up the good work.

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Lord-Tentacle: Sorry, I meant I'm going to buy a tentacle hentai t-shirt and a t-shirt that states "I love being a slut"

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The_Mr_J: I love both those choices. No need to apologize, you keep on being a slut.

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Linnea: Hope Azrael hasn't been captured by a tentacle creature and can clean up these bots!
Though if she has.. well good for her, I'm jealous. >>
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Nicebreasts: What on Earth are you talking about?
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TentacleLegend: Several of the responses here are from bots, @Nicebreasts
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Nicebreasts: oh. kinda makes sense now that im reading the responses. i usually just look at the pictures on here
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TentacleLegend: Same. Come to think of it, I spend most of my time here in my PMs.

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The_Mr_J: @Linnea: Azreal deserves some time off on a tentacle vacation. Although I think we'll all be happy when she's back booting these bots.

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Lord-Tentacle: @The_Mr_J: do the bots just come on here and talk smack?
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TentacleLegend: They seem rather positive, if nonsensical.

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Lord-Tentacle: also, i think one of my tentacle monsters escaped from my tentacle dungeon. it's breeding season for them and i think it might've found Azrael and is breeding and impregnating her.

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Linnea: Hm the problem with those is that they don't let a girl go for a long time.
As in, ever. Okay, rescue mission time! Wish me luck.

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Azrael: Sorry folks, I was...


*wipes mouth*

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Dark_Tentacles: So Azrael....I got the impression from someone that you give excellent lip service.

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Azrael: I can neither confirm nor deny...

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Lord-Tentacle: You can keep my tentacle monster since it seems to love your body

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Azrael: how kind of you

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Linnea: Ah, it seems a rescue was unnecessary, and all was uneventful during my mission anyway... .... .... *goes to the shower*

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The_Mr_J: @Lord-Tentacle: The bots do seem a bit... precarious. I was almost tempted to talk back to them.

@Azrael: Glad you're back to work. I hope you enjoyed your time off as much as your captors enjoyed your time with them.

@Linnea: I'm sure we'll have a new mission for you soon. Lots of women out there getting trapped, your skills will sorely be needed.

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Linnea: True, a lot of the other female regulars have been quiet lately. Hmmm..

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The_Mr_J: We'll need you, agent Linnea, to perform search and rescue missions. Into dark cavers and twisted dungeons. If you feel up for the task, that is.

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Linnea: *salutes* Absolutely!

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The_Mr_J: Get cleaned up from your last mission (you apparently need it) and get geared up. The tentacle monsters need... err, the victims of the tentacle monsters need you.
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