anal ear furry male oral rape suspension uncensored

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Tags anal ear furry male oral rape suspension uncensored
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Marcas McCloud: Hey, is... DESERT!!! Where did you find this?

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Desert_Wollf_Forgotten_Password: The Internets of course. Or that foot locker marked "Do not open" I can't recall.
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Marcas McCloud: Wait, which foot locker? And do you remember the story of Pandora's box?

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Desert_Wollf_Forgotten_Password: Yep I remember the story, blame the woman. As for what foot locker, err... that one in the back of the stuff marked 'to be burnt'
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Marcas McCloud: Do you think there was a reason as to why there was that unusual sign was there?...

Wait, what else did you pull out?
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Marcas McCloud: Do you know who that is? Just don't...

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Desert_Wollf_Forgotten_Password: I unno' it says some smudge 'ud Age 23. Past that there was also a bra and some very odd "costumes" in there that I swear I remember seeing Fox in over the years.
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Marcas McCloud: It's good that your not putting the pieces together, just please don't tell anyone who that is.

Put the stuff back into that area marked "to be burnt" and leave it there.
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Randomness: Or burn it
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Marcas McCloud: Good idea. Randomness, get a flamethrower. Desert, put the stuff back.
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Randomness: Fire fun time?
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Marcas McCloud: Tempting, but I won't burn Desert to death. Just hand over the flamethrower before someone realizes who that person is.

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Desert_Wollf_Forgotten_Password: Hmm you sure? Could have sworn there would have been some slight differences in the fur coloration... oh right, black and whites. Ahh wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

Also ^^ yeay scanners and copies.
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Marcas McCloud: This is a scene in the upcoming Pirate Base infiltration in The StarFox Adventures story. I need not say anymore than this about the scene proceeding it...

"If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? AND IF YOU WRONG US, SHALL WE NOT REVENGE?"
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Randomness: Huh?
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Marcas McCloud: Shakespeare.

Alright, that is a picture of me being raped by a tentacle monster. Well, I did change my colors so that I would be undercover for the mission...
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Marcas McCloud: Desert, have you by any chance stopped your work on my portrait? Or can I be expecting a work of art soon?

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Desert_Wollf_Forgotten_Password: was hoping for a few more details from you. When I do end up doing something I want to, it can end up between 24-36 hours of time between start and finished inked sketch.
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Marcas McCloud: Alright, I'll disclose my fursona.

Height: 6'6" tall
Gender: Male
Species: Cornerian Fox
I.Q.: 150
Description: Blue muzzle, blue tipped ears, tail, fingers and soles. My facial structure is nearly identical to Fox McCloud, except I have a slightly longer snout. My front is blue to my lower abdomen. I have white eye brows, and a white-blue crest that runs from the center of my forehead to my upper scalp. My eyes are a fierce ice-blue. The rest of me is a rusty red. I have half inch retractable claws, sharp triangular teeth, and a black nose.

Desert, inevitably I will find a portrait of my fursona on this site. If it's all possible, have me shooting the creature before I get raped by it.
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Wulf: 6'6"?

I'm only 6'3" :(
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Marcas McCloud: It's OK, I still respect you. In my book, it doesn't matter if you look like something that belongs up a whale's nose, just your personality counts.

This doesn't include people/creatures that are raping me.
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Wulf: I'm thinking that intent to rape is a personality thing.
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Marcas McCloud: You have a point, and I don't want to be raped anyhow. I just want to live my life, make posts, and have kids. I'm talking about my fursona and realistically.
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