Gnome World_of_Warcraft demon goblin_girl rape

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Tags demon Gnome goblin_girl rape World_of_Warcraft
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IMAZOMBIE_358: i can understand the huge penetration fetish, but when it comes to the point where the dick is more than twice the width of the midsection....

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Azrael: it is pretty ludicrous, I don't get it at all. or zombies.
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MTaylor: I really don't get zombies. Anyone who has ever been near a dead animal knows how horrible the smell is alone. A zombie is rotting flesh. It always amazes me no one brings it up during a zombie movie. You should be able to smell them before ever seeing them!

On topic: huge penetrations to the degree that it'd rip open or impale the penetrated, is not appealing.

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diVIne_Tentacle: I guess it's just how things progress. I like big insertions. I think there is a point like this though were it gets so out of proportion it doesn't look appealing but I still find insertions that are possible but beyond what I'd agree to take attractive.
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Nicebreasts: I’ve seen a couple porn images of a girl being raped by a couple of monsters with big dicks. It involved her getting penetrated by big cocks. It didn’t end well for her since she ended up in a bloody mess

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HebiC: That doesn't sound even slightly appealing.
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IMAZOMBIE_358: that would be guro and probably snuff, which im not into at all, either. though, id be less unwilling to view guro than snuff. its not as bad if the person recovers from the damage, but most guro pictures do not show a future image and are probably snuff as well. i am not at all into snuff and avoid it as much as i can. i once started a video where this man was holding a girl down and had a gun to her head. i was praying he wouldnt pull the trigger, but he did and proceeded to rape her dead body. that was unnerving enough, but what really got me was how he tried to shush her into a calm before pulling the trigger. no idea how anyone but a serial killer or insane person can be into that kinda thing. i also accidentally watched a video of a monster preparing to fuck this fairy girl, i didnt think id be into it but i was just watching it to see if she was cute(i blame terrible thumbnails for luring me into any of these traps) and one of the first things he does is break her neck.

as effective as this kinda shit is at ruining my mood for the remainder of the day(or week if im unlucky enough)i thought about using it as boner-killer, but it doesnt kill my boner. unlike my boner, i cant look past such atrocities, so i go on looking for other porn, preferably sweeter stuff.
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