artist_Lucien ass_up cum cum_all_over double_penetration dragon dragon_rape eyes_open monster mounted rape tears two_dicks warrior_female

Blotter updated: 10/13/23 Show/Hide Show All
  • 10/13/23 - NO AI IMAGES
  • 11/15/17 - ABSOLUTELY NO USERS OR IMAGES UNDER 18 :: This includes images set in schools or childrens' cartoons.


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Drago: Pretty damn fine pic, lovely detail with the eyeliner and the veins in the mane on myse- the dragon.
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Krakken: you're a lucky guy, Drago.
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Wulf: I'd suggest you get someone to take a look at those eyes of yours, Drago.
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Drago: well sexual pleasure can cause your eyes to roll back.
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IDCATBS: realy?
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Drago: for some, realLy*
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OrcMaster: I don't know why I keep stumbling across these pictures of you, Drago, it must be complete coincidence.
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Drago: Well I hope you keep finding them, or just stop stalking me and taking pictures >.>
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Krakken: <.<
*throws a camera into the trash before no-one notices*
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Blissfully Naive: Great pic, for some reason I like the dragon stuff, but whenever I look for it it's always furries... or scalies i guess >.<
Thanks for the picture ^.^
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Shandrial: Filling =)
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Nyz-Nyz: I'm afraid he'll get too hot and eventually blow fire. Killing the poor girl.
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Drago: me? too hot? *licks finger, presses it to his thigh, a small puff a smoke bewilders its way from there* damn straight.
But breathing various elements would not whittle down to body temperature.
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Krakken: *wipes forehead*
I'm safe....
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Drago: *grabs the camera from the trash, flicks through the photos* whoever took these, keep following me, you always seem to catch my good side
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Krakken: mm-kay then. *snatches up the camera*
Im a really good secret-picture-taker, considering I have the ability to pop up anywhere. just pay me the right price, and I can get a secret pic of anyone doing anything anywhere. :D
especially that picture of Shan- *suddenly stops* uh, I wasnt just about to say something about Shandrial that I would get turned into calamari for if she found out! *begins whistling nervously*
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Nyz-Nyz: *Gets the hose* I'll save the ladies from the dragons! I'll be the knight in skimpy armor!
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Krakken: ......
youre going to be the what?
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InvadersMustDie: aw, dude. Drago's gonna mess u up.
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Drago: Nyz you know what I can do to knights, for the record i love water so meh =P
and skimpy armor >.>
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Krakken: oh yeah, I remember what happened to the knight while you were at that castle.....
I swear I saw a gravestone with his name on it....

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Shandrial: Skimpy armor Pfft

Shows up in no armor (figured Id save ya the trouble of having to find a can opener)

Oh and go ahead Krakken I love Calamari =)
and which picture I'm courious.

And for a hose... the only hose I want is a cock like this dragons filling me up like a fire hose.


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Shandrial: On second though how about 3 hoses (3 dragons) after all I have a pussy, ass, and a mouth that need to be quenched. =)
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Drago: well sorry but only one dragon here, but three rounds with a single reptilian is the same. *quickly rounds everyone together for a picture* say rape =P
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volvagia: rape
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InvadersMustDie: aw, Shandrial. just... wow... haha

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Shandrial: *smiles
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Krakken: *smiles for no apparant reason*
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Nyz-Nyz: Screw you dragon! I shall defeat you and save the poor elves! Save them! *pokes*
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Gaius: I think the women in that picture is doing more of the dragon screwing then you nyz
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Drago: gaah -.- *curls tail around Nyz's ankle, holds her up in the air* nuuu pokes
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Krakken: *simply watches*
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Wulf: *watching curiously, ears alert* *waiting for Nyz to smite Drago*

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Bi Lycan: i think its more like waiting for Drago to crush Nyz

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Bi Lycan: maybe Drago raping Nyz is better
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Drago: I wouldn't do that, just getting my point across *starts poking Nyz, making her swing back and forth*
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Marcas McCloud: *Walks through portal* Hay, Wulf, you OK. *Freezes and slowly turns to find a Dragon 30 feet tall staring at me* *Nyz looks at me as well* *I'm staring in complete terror as the most powerful of magical beasts staring at me*
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Krakken: *appears behind Marcas*
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Lich: *pokes Drago with a grin*
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Drago: *give Lich a look* I would say lich is the most terribly powerful entity ever existed.
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Krakken: *yelling in Marcases ear*
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Torture: hmm, Drago you somewhat resemble my true form, or my true form resembles you. anyway ILL HELP WITH SHANDRIAL!!!*changes to true form while clothes are ripping off*
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Drago: And your true form would be..?
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Torture: black skin, spikey joints, long black hair, demonicly black eyes(they shinyXD)segmented legs, tail, and for some reson im continuosly bleeding from the mouth
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Drago: I see, ever thought about joining the main forum? The imageboard isnt meant for RP.
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Torture: i thought about it like ten minutes ago and i read that like half an hour ago

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Shandrial: Most def join the forms Torture. =)
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Marcas McCloud: AAAAAAAOOOOWWWWWWWW!! What was that for?!? You know I have sensitive ears! [my ear is still ringing] Sorry, what's your name? The... rather large black dragon right next to Drago. My left ear's still good. [glares at Krakken]
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Krakken: hehehe.... uh, I was just, uh, going to, uh.... leave.... *runs away*
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Drago: That sounds more a demon form Torture.

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*launches into numerous lacerating cuts from 3 different swords, then gets behind head and decapitates Tort* BOOM

ok i'll just.. *pulls his (good) eye out* ah!a souvenir!
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captaintentacle: is it just my imagination, or is that dragon's penis sticking out of it's chest? 0.o
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